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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC

Bibliography in which the synonym was cited

Showing 1-12 of 12 items.
  1. Synonym: TOCAI ROSSO
Show rows:
Source codeAuthorTitleJournal title / publisherYearPage
510CALO, A.; SCIENZA, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MOLINA, M.Vitigni d'ItaliaEdagricole-Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.2001242
410MORETTI, G.Vitigni e Cloni in ItaliaVignevini 21 (12), 15-53199432
299ROBINSON, J.Reben, Trauben, Weine - Ein Führer durch die Rebsorten der WeltHallwag Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart1987211
10137CALO, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; CANCELLIER, S.; FORTI, R.Garnacha, Grenache, Cannonao, Tocai rosso, un unico vitignoVignevini 17 (9) 45-48199045
760ROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉWine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursPenguin Books Ltd.2012398, fig.
826ANONYMOUSPl@nt Grape - Le catalogue des vignes cultivées en FranceInstitut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin (ENTAV-ITV) and others2015fig.
40536CRESPAN, M.; GIUST, M.; MIGLIARO, D.; SCALABRELLI, G.; D'ONOFRIO, C.CannonauItalian Vitis Database2015
40165DE MATTIA, F.; LOVICU, G.; TARDAGUILA, J.; GRASSI, F.; IMAZIO, S.; SCIENZA, A.; LABRA, M.Genetic relationships between Sardinian and Spainish viticulture: the case of 'Cannonau' and 'Garnacha'Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 84 (1) 65-71200968
1221BAVARESCO, L.; GARDIMAN, M.Italian wine grape varieties. Their viticultural characterizationGianni Sartori Editore, Ponte di Piave (TV) Italy201528
904CABELLO SAENZ DE SANTA MARIA, F.; ORTIZ MARCIDE, J.M.; MUNOZ ORGANERO, G.; RODRIGUEZ TORRES, I.; BENITO BARBA, A.; RUBIO DE MIGUEL, C.; GARCIA MUNOZ, S.; SAIZ SAIZ, R.Variedades de Vid en EspanaEditorial Agricola Española, S.A., Madrid201196, 423, fig.
427AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1994130, fig.
452AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER-MÜNCH, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1998132, fig.